Creating a Multi-Language Website with Next.js

writerSagar Bhavsar

blog dateFeb 28, 2025

reading time9 min

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Next.js has gained a lot of traction lately as a go-to framework for React developers due to its ability to handle server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG) gracefully. But simply having a great framework isn’t enough anymore—especially in our globalized world. Multi-language websites are increasingly crucial for reaching wider audiences and improving user experiences. Imagine someone from another country landing on your website and seamlessly navigating through content in their native language; it makes a world of difference!

Building a multi-language website with Next.js not only enhances your site’s accessibility but can also significantly boost your site's search engine optimization (SEO). In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to create a multi-language site using Next.js. Let’s dive in!


Why Choose Next.js for Multi-Language Websites?

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Next.js excels at SSR, which means your localized content will load quickly, improving user satisfaction and SEO.

  • Static Site Generation (SSG): Ideal for pre-rendering pages, it allows you to serve multiple languages efficiently.

  • Built-in Internationalized Routing: Next.js simplifies managing multiple languages with its built-in routing mechanisms, eliminating common headaches.

  • Scalability: Integrating external libraries like i18next or LinguiJS is straightforward, allowing for future enhancements as your site grows.



Before we get our hands dirty, here’s what you’ll need:

  • Basic Knowledge of Next.js: Familiarity with pages, routing, and API routes will be beneficial.

  • Development Environment: Ensure you have Node.js installed, a text editor like VS Code, and are comfortable using npm or yarn.

  • Libraries/Tools: We’ll rely on libraries like next-i18next and react-i18next to help us handle translations effectively.


Setting Up the Next.js Project

To get started, initiate a new Next.js application:


Once you’re in your project folder, let’s look at the structure briefly. You’ll see folders like pages and public. Next, we need to install a couple of essential packages for multi-language support:


Adding Multi-Language Support

Internationalized Routing in Next.js

First up, we’ll set the i18n configuration in next.config.js to define our supported locales. Here’s a simple example to get you started:


Creating Language Files

Next, you’ll need to structure your language files. Create a /public/locales directory with subdirectories for each language. Inside these, you’ll have JSON translation files. For instance, you can have en.json, es.json, and fr.json.


Setting Up next-i18next

We'll need to configure next-i18next by creating a next-i18next.config.js file. Also, wrap your app with I18nextProvider in _app.js to make translations accessible throughout your app. Use the useTranslation() hook for accessing translations:


Implementing Language Switcher

Creating a language switcher is simple yet effective. Add a dropdown or buttons that allow users to switch between languages. You can utilize useRouter() to manage the new locale and update the URL accordingly. Here’s an example:


SEO Considerations for Multi-Language Websites

SEO is important for any website but even more so for multi-language ones. Use the next/head component for effective meta tags, including hreflang attributes. Here’s an example of integrating this into your component:



Also, consider setting up a sitemap to include all localized versions of your pages.


Testing Your Multi-Language Website  

Once you’ve set everything up, testing is essential. Check language features both locally and in production. Tools like BrowserStack can help you test different browsers and locales. Always validate that switching languages shows the expected translations.


Deploying the Multi-Language Website  

Once you’re satisfied with your project, it’s time to deploy! Vercel is recommended for hosting Next.js apps, and it's pretty straightforward. Just ensure your locales are correctly configured in the deployment settings, and you’ll be good to go!


Advanced Features and Enhancements

Once you have your multi-language site up and running, you might want to explore:

  • Dynamic Loading of Translations: This can enhance performance by loading only the necessary translations.

  • Fallback Languages: Sometimes, you might want to default to a specific language when the desired one isn’t available.

  • CMS Integration: Using CMS platforms like Strapi or Contentful can simplify managing translations as your website grows.



In conclusion, building a multi-language website with Next.js is a strategic way to enhance accessibility, user experience, and SEO for a global audience. By leveraging features like SSR, SSG, and internationalized routing, along with tools like next-i18next, you can streamline the localization process and create a scalable, user-friendly platform. Whether you're switching between languages or optimizing for search engines, this setup ensures a seamless experience for both users and developers. If you're looking to develop a robust multi-language website, iRoid Solutions is here to help. Contact us at or call us at +91 7778869939 for expert guidance and support.

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